Optimizing Performance of Simple Version Parsing in ScalaA step by step guide how code optimization is done: what to look for during optimization process, how to win nanoseconds and have fun!Sep 12, 2023Sep 12, 2023
Published inWix EngineeringMySQL BLOB Fetch Performance in JavaA performance benchmark: fetching BLOB column from MySQL uncompressed vs compressed with different algorithms!Feb 5, 2023Feb 5, 2023
Java Compression PerformanceA performance benchmark for a few compression libraries in Java.Jan 10, 2023Jan 10, 2023
Published inWix EngineeringA Java: Exploring JNI performance via Decoding Base64What is the overhead of calling native libraries via JNI? A performance benchmark on a more or less real-world example of decoding Base64Oct 27, 20221Oct 27, 20221
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Base64 Encoding Performance: JDK vs Apache CommonsPerformance comparison of base64 encoding/decoding between java.util.Base64 and Apache Commons implementationSep 24, 2022Sep 24, 2022
Replacing HashMap with Off-Heap HashMap in Java?Implementing a simple read only HashMap stored off-heap in Java and benchmarking it against java.util.HashMap!Sep 7, 20221Sep 7, 20221
MySQL as Redis vs Redis?Simple one column table in MySQL representing a Set. Let’s benchmark it (against Redis)!Sep 5, 20221Sep 5, 20221
Ultimate Off-Heap Hash Set: Using RedisAfter my post about making off-heap Set-like data structure, my friend threw an idea at me: why not to go all the way, and use not just…Sep 1, 2022Sep 1, 2022